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Welcome to Amairani's Bakery

Crafting pastries with love and the finest ingredients, we create unforgettable taste experiences in a warm, inviting atmosphere right here in Iowa.

brown and white cupcakes on white table
brown and white cupcakes on white table
close-up photo of baked cookies
close-up photo of baked cookies
seven croissant on gray metal tray
seven croissant on gray metal tray

Our Sweet Story

From cheesecakes to decadent cakes, we promise to make every occasion sweeter. Visit us or explore our offerings online for secure ordering.

Our Location

Nestled in the heart of Iowa, our bakery offers a warm atmosphere for enjoying freshly baked goods and delightful pastries.


6070 Westfalen Court


Mon-Sat 9am - 7pm

Sweet Creations

Explore our delightful pastries crafted with love and finest ingredients.

wooden ladle and spatula on top of table
wooden ladle and spatula on top of table
brown bread on white ceramic plate
brown bread on white ceramic plate